The Church office is open from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon on Wednesdays and Fridays. This is staffed by Anne Rodgie, Church Secretary. The office is in the small building at the entrance gates to Dunbarney Church on Manse Road in Bridge of Earn.
Please feel free to get in touch through any of the following methods:
By mail: The Church Office, Manse Road, Bridge of Earn, Perth. PH2 9DY.
For hall bookings please contact the Mrs Avril Fultonwho is our Halls Convener. You will also find further details on the Church Hall under the 'Information' tab on this website. Please note the Church Hall is now open but there are terms and conditions regarding Covid-19 guidelines. For up to date Terms and Conditions for use of the hall regarding COVID guidelines, please click here.
Since November 2007, the Rev Allan Wilson has been Parish Minister in Dunbarney and Forgandenny Parish Church. In addition to regular parish duties, he is the chaplain to Dunbarney and Forgandenny Primary Schools and also to Perth High School where he also offers a listening service to members of staff. Within the Presbytery of Perth, he is the convenor of the Planning and Development Committee. As part of his study leave, he successfully completed training in 'Spiritual Accompaniment' - a process where others can be helped to arrive at a deeper awareness of the presence and movement of God in their everyday life.
Before entering the ministry, Allan was a secondary school teacher and taught Physics and Maths in schools in Kenya, Isle of Islay and Airdrie. For two years he was seconded as a Teacher Fellow in the University of Stirling where he contributed to its Initial Teacher Education Science programme.